Virgis birthday party

Virgi and Katya laughing at the boys singing Julio Iglesias
Virgi´s birthday dinner was at a Korea restaurant in our own karaoke room. It was great fun, although I was a bit of a slow starter. I was feeling a bit tiered, but as soon as I got a hold of the mic and started howling I was hooked, obsessed by the karaoke beast I felt compelled to sing or scream as I believe it came out. Alex and Kim had the best voices by far and looked much like a couple throughout the night. They should definetly hook up!
Unfortunately people started to drop off pretty early and only five of us were left. We set off towards Stureplan and got stuck outside Fridays discussing politics and the up coming election. Suddenly I had four lefties against me on the street and got pretty pissed off as I always perceive them to be extremely self-righteous in there struggle for the "little guy". As if nobody really wants to stop and ask what the “little guy” really wants. Our view on mankind is so severely different that I feel that it does not even leave any room for discussion. I feel the left wing is just for people to pat there one wealthy backs and say they care for the poor. And as always I got the comparisons with South America and Africa but come on how relevant are there economies with the European? I am not exactly talking about throwing everybody out in the street and introducing slavery again. I am soooo pissed! But I had fun, despite politics
Here are some pictures from the dinner

The hole group!

Thew girls just wanna have fun

Last but not least the Julios
At Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:48:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Intressant att du lägger ut ett kort på mig med mitt fina cykelsår i ansiktet!!! Tack för den!
Det här med politiken förstår jag inte! Hur kan du bli förbannad? Borde det inte vara givande att prata med andra personer som inte har samma ideer!? Det är då man kan "challenge" sina tankar. Synd att du tycker så! /Verve
At Friday, September 01, 2006 7:10:00 PM,
Angela said…
Det är inte intressant då hela Sverige har samma åsikt som ni.. o så e jag grymt trööt på politik snack överhuvudtaget. och du e snygg oavsett om du har ett sår i ansiktet. efter Katjas fest kommer det fler bilder.
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