
Monday, October 02, 2006

Thanks, you know who you are

On Saturday I had mum, Ana Lucia and Lucia over for dinner. We were celebrating Ana Lucia’s birthday. Mum had cooked for us all and the food was great. We talked and talked and as usual when we are together we laughed so much. We really need to get together more often. I had pulled out some clothes I don’t use anymore. That initiated a feeding frenzy and mum has already spotted some handbags she wants.

After the dinner I met up with Jason and some of his friends at a karaoke bar. Me and Jase sang and reminded me that we are like Monica and Ross together. Poor Jase gets to be Ross I am only the neurotic Monica, not the idiot. We continued on to Soap bar. Sophie, Camila and Andreas were there to, we had a great time.

Sunday really sucked! I had cramps all day and just crawled into the kitchen for food and pills!

My mission is to get tickets to next Tuesdays football game. Brazil is playing in Stockholm!?!?!?!?!?!?!!! I have to get tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been feeling pretty sad lately. Sometimes it can be real hard to accept who I am and the things that I can’t change no matter how hard I’ve tried. I also know that nobody else can fix it either. Makes me feel pretty helpless. At my best I am real happy about all the good things I have in my life and at my worst I feel like I am the only one standing still, kind of like being left behind. I feel stuck in a bad place. It is lonely there.

Í am grateful to everybody in my life Thanks to the guys that make me laugh without even noticing how sad I am. Thanks to the girls that drag me out, the ones who let me cry on there shoulder and the true optimists that say it will be alright in every occasion.

I luv all of you!


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