
Monday, August 28, 2006

Little Baby Leon


I had some real strange dreams last night, I haven’t been sleeping all that well, but I guess it will pass. I need to start working out again and everything will sort itself out.

I only worked a couple of hours today as it was a bank holiday in the UK. That made for an easy Monday for me. I continued on my cleaning after the party and now my apartment is spotless again.

Camila came by after work and we had dinner and talked a lot we were mainly discussing names for our children = ) I am really looking forward to adopt a child, although I am very scared of the possibility that I am rejected by the social workers as unfit to adopt for any reason. I started thinking that I have to start saving money for the future and for my baby.

We were on msn with Tamar, she is all busy with her little boy Leon. He is so cute and looks exactly like Tamar when she was a baby. He has got the Halladjan eyes. Tamar just told me that they are going to come to Sweden next summer to celebrate Leon one year birthday.

The proud parents, Tamar and Garo

by the way Tamar you are looking great!


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